

The 明尼苏达城市联盟 保险信托 (LMCIT) property coverage provides some protection for flood damage to city buildings in certain circumstances. One reason a city building would not be covered for flood damage is when the building is in a flood hazard area.

在大多数情况下, flood hazard areas are within the 500-year flood plain mapped by the 国家洪水保险计划(NFIP). 然而,一些洪水危险地区没有被绘制出来. 这些地点在您的LMCIT物业时间表上被标识为洪水代码C.

用于洪水危险地区的建筑物, cities must decide whether to add the supplemental flood coverage that LMCIT makes available as an additional coverage option. 然而, this coverage is only available if cities have NFIP 洪水保险 for buildings at the maximum limit available. LMCIT’s supplemental flood coverage will then cover the cost of flood damage the NFIP policy doesn’t cover, 例如重置成本或某些内容.

Learn more about LMCIT coverage in the LMCIT 财产, Crime, Bond, and Petrofund Coverage Guide


NFIP is a federal program managed by the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) to make 洪水保险 available to property owners who might not otherwise be able to buy it. 以下是关于NFIP的一些关键点的总结.



财产 owners are eligible to 购买 NFIP 洪水保险 if the city in which they live (or the county, 对于非建制地区的居民)是一个项目的参与者. Cities must become an NFIP participating community before they can 购买 NFIP 洪水保险 for their own buildings.

有资格参加NFIP, 社区必须达到NFIP的最低标准, 其中包括采纳和执行洪泛平原分区条例. 明尼苏达州esota statutes require the city to adopt a flood plain management ordinance if there is a flood plain within the city (明尼苏达州. 统计. § 103F.121). 州法律还要求一个城市参与NFIP, if the Department of Natural 澳门网络娱乐游戏平台 (DNR) commissioner or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) determines the city has any areas that are “subject to recurrent flooding” (明尼苏达州. 统计. § 103F.165).


Most NFIP 洪水保险 is written by private insurance companies under NFIP’s “Write Your Own” (WYO) program. 大多数代理商都能买到. 政策表格是标准化的, 保险范围和保险费率由国际汽联制定, so the cost and coverage will be the same regardless of which insurance company writes the insurance.

The 洪水保险 buyer pays a premium to the insurer and receives a standard NFIP 洪水保险 policy. The company keeps part of the premium as profit and to cover its expenses and forwards the rest to the FIA. The FIA acts as a reinsurer for the insurance company and reimburses the insurance company for any 洪水保险 claims it pays.



一般来说, the NFIP policy would pay for the actual cash value of flood damage to a building and its contents. It will also pay for the cost of protective measures, such as sandbagging, to protect the building.

覆盖范围仅限于地下内容物和固定装置. 在一般情况下, 非固定资产保险只包括对地下室墙壁或地基的结构性损坏, 对建筑物运行的加热和冷却设备的损坏, 清理费用. 它不包括其他设备或内容, 或者地毯的费用, 绘画, 完成, 等等.......



There’s a common misconception that NFIP coverage is only available for buildings in a flood hazard area. 大多数城市建筑都有资格获得NFIP覆盖,无论其位置如何. 100年洪泛区以外的建筑物的NFIP保费要少得多.

但是,某些建筑物不符合国家保险计划的覆盖条件. 超过百分之四十九的建筑物及其内容物的价值在地下, 除非最低的地下室楼层高于百年一遇的洪水水位,否则该建筑不符合条件. 由于这一限制,供水和污水处理厂有时没有资格获得国家综合投资计划的覆盖.

Many homeowners share that same misconception that they can’t buy NFIP 洪水保险 if their home or building isn’t in a flood plain. 假设这个城市是一个参与社区, 这些房屋和建筑物有资格获得NFIP洪水保险, 而且价格便宜得多.


NFIP洪水保险可选择免赔额. 使用较大的免赔额可以显著降低NFIP洪水保险的成本. 这种保险仍然相对昂贵, 因此,许多城市可能会考虑提高免赔额. Choosing a large deductible means the city will be financially responsible for that amount if a loss occurs. One option to consider is using LMCIT’s extraordinary expense coverage to cover that deductible if a flood loss occurs.



The NFIP社区评级系统 (CRS) offers discounts from standard NFIP rates for buyers in cities that have taken extra steps to reduce flood risks, 超过参加国家投资计划所需的最低要求. 如果这个城市有资格享受CRS折扣, both the city itself and every private 购买r of NFIP 洪水保险 within the city receive the discount on their premiums.

短暂的, the CRS gives the city points for a variety of activities related to public information about flood risks and preparedness; open space preservation and stormwater management; relocation and retrofitting activities; and flood warning and safety systems. Based on what the city has done to reduce the risk of flood damage, the CRS assigns the city a grade. 城市的CRS等级越高, 城市居民在洪水保险费上获得的折扣越大.

在一个拥有良好CRS等级的城市,潜在的保费节省可能是可观的, 但CRS系统在明尼苏达州似乎很少使用. 根据国际汽联的说法,只有少数明尼苏达州社区有资格享受折扣.

这可能有几个原因. 一些城市可能不知道CRS计划, 或者可能不理解它能带来的溢价节省. City staff time and effort required to assemble the needed information and documentation could be a significant deterrent.

但在一个大量业主购买洪水保险的城市, it may make sense for the city to invest that time and effort in view of the potential savings for its residents.



The CRS uses a point system to evaluate city activities in four major areas: public information, 测绘和管理, 减少洪水损失, 以及防洪准备. 在某些情况下, 城市必须满足特定的要求才能获得特定的CRS等级. 一个城市可以获得CRS积分的活动包括以下内容.


  • 维护和提供城市财产的标高证书.
  • 维护和提供NFIP洪水保险费率图.
  • 向市民宣传洪水灾害、洪水保险和防洪的外展项目.
  • Systems to assure that people who own or are considering buying property know whether it’s in a floodplain.
  • 建立一个关于洪水灾害等主题的信息库, 洪水保险, 还有防洪, 供公众使用.
  • 就如何保护财产免受洪水破坏提供建议和协助.


These regulatory activities are given even more points in growing communities — the faster your growth rate, 你的规章制度越好.

  • 进行更新或更详细的洪水和水文研究.
  • 保留洪泛区的土地作为休憩用地, 通过条例等措施, 购买, 契约的限制, 低密度分区.
  • 采用比NFIP最低要求更严格的监管标准. 例如, 对新建筑要求更高的干舷或防洪能力, 或者禁止填平洪泛平原.
  • 达到保险服务处(ISO)建筑规范效能等级6级或以上. 该城市必须拥有6级或更高的评级,才能达到7级或更高的CRS评级.
  • Identifying and alerting people to areas subject to special flood risks from causes such as ice jams.
  • 雨水管理活动, 比如制定法规,确保流域的新开发不会增加径流.


  • 制订及采用洪泛平原管理计划.
  • 从洪水危险区域获取和拆除建筑物.
  • 利用改造来保护现有建筑, 比如抬高建筑物, 堤坝或其他障碍物, 并能抵抗洪水.
  • 实施城市雨水排水系统定期检查和维护制度, 沟渠, 持有池塘, 以及其他面临洪水风险的地区.


  • 采用系统警告公众洪水即将来临.
  • 堤防和水坝的安全和维护规划. 明尼苏达州esota cities that go through the CRS process automatically get credit for the state’s dam safety program.



The starting point is for the city to complete and submit the CRS Application Form and accompanying documentation. 如果你不确定你的城市是否想要经历这个过程, 从联邦应急管理局获得一份CRS协调员手册可能会有所帮助. 它提供了城市需要收集的信息和文件.

ISO代表联邦应急管理局进行实际的CRS评估. 城市的申请被提交给区域ISO/CRS专家进行审查, 谁还负责现场评审和审核.

通过CRS流程将需要大量的时间和精力. 所需的文档是广泛而详细的.

现场审查包括对城市记录和文件的审计, 以及对洪泛区的实地调查. 根据城市的大小,现场审查可能需要几天的时间.

一旦这个城市获得了CRS评级, the city will also need to comply with some ongoing record keeping and annual reporting requirements to maintain that rating.

